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SCD Legal Yogurt

Prep Time:

15 minutes

Cook Time:

24 hours


10 -12 servings

About the Recipe

When following the Specific Carbohydrate Diet it is important to incorporate SCD legal yogurt into the diet. This yogurt must be made at home as commercial yogurts have not been fermented for 24 hours and still contain lactose. The 24 hour fermentation ensures that all of the lactose has been broken down in the milk. You can eat it during the intro diet and can continue to enjoy it as long as you are on the diet. Have fun adding different fruits and nuts to it to give it a different taste. Enjoy!


  • A yogurt maker

  • Yogurt Starter

  • 6 Cups of Milk


Yogurt Maker

There are may ways to make yogurt without a yogurt maker, but for me, when it comes to cooking, I always take the easy way out, which was buying a yogurt maker. There are recipes on the web with details on how to make SCD legal yogurt in a Crock Pot and in a Instant Pot so feel free to search for another recipe if you prefer not to buy a yogurt maker. The basics of making the yogurt will be the same regardless of the type of machine you use.

I purchased a Cuisinart Yogurt Maker about 7 years ago and it is still working great. The difficult part about finding a yogurt maker was finding one that would ferment for 24 hours. Some only go up to 8 hours. I don't think they make my yogurt maker anymore but if you google "24 hour yogurt maker" you should be able to find one. Just to reiterate, be sure the specs state that you can set the time for up to 24 hours.

Yogurt Starter

A yogurt starter is freeze dried bacteria that consumes lactose. There are lots of yogurt starters available that contain a wide variety and mix of bacteria in them. If you read Breaking the Vicious Cycle, Elaine Gottschall notes that you may want to avoid yogurt starters that contain the culture bifidus, if possible, as they may cause gas. I use Yogourmet Freeze Dried Yogurt Starter. You can also use commercial yogurt as your yogurt starter but I prefer the freeze dried packets.


You can use 1%, 2%, or whole milk to make your yogurt. The less fat there is in the milk, the thinner and more watery your yogurt will be. So if you want thicker yogurt, use whole milk. When you are on the SCD you really shouldn't have to worry about your fat intake as the diet will often make you lose weight because you are no longer eating carbs and sugars. You may find that you want to gain a little weight so using whole milk could be a win win!


1. Heat 6 cups of milk in the microwave to 180 degrees Fahrenheit (this take about 12 minutes in my      microwave).

  • I use 6 cups because that is what my yogurt maker holds. Yours may hold more or less so adjust as needed.

  • I purchased an 8-Cup Pyrex Measuring Cup and it works perfectly when making this yogurt.

2. Remove the milk from the microwave and let it cool (covered) to between 100 - 110 degrees      Fahrenheit.

  • If you let it cool at room temperature it will take about 90 minutes to cool. If you want to cool it faster you can fill a larger bowl with cold water and set your yogurt bowl down into the larger bowl to get it to cool faster. Be sure to not get water in the yogurt and to still keep the yogurt covered.

3. Remove the film - after the yogurt has cooled to 110 -110 degrees a thin film as formed over the top      of the yogurt. I like to remove this but you don't have to, this is just a personal preference.

4. Pour about a fourth of the milk into the container that came with your yogurt maker.

5. Add 1 pack of yogurt starter and stir it into the milk.

6. After you have fully stirred the packet of yogurt starter in, add a little more milk and stir. Do this until all the milk has been added and stirred. I usually add all of the milk within three to four pour.

7. Follow the instructions on your yogurt maker to cook the yogurt for 24 hours.

8. After the yogurt has cooked for 24 hours you will need to chill the yogurt for about 4 hours before it      is ready to eat.

Because the yogurt ferments for 24 hours it will be pretty tart. I have developed a liking to this over the past several years but when I first started eating it I thought it was way too tart. Feel free to add pure vanilla extract to it to lessen the tartness. Also eat it with fruit or nuts to make it a meal! This has become a staple in my diet and I look forward to it each day!

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