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Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners

Updated: Dec 8, 2021

The marketing of artificial sweetners is quite convincing - sweet flavor, without the calories, no catch! Artificial sweetners such as aspartame and saccharine are actually legal on the SCD, but I choose not to eat them because of the harmful side effects.

What are Artifical Sweetners?

Artificial sweetners are sugar substitutes that are added to drinks and foods to give them a sweet taste. Some are plant based and some synthetic. Here are some of the most common article sweetners used in foods:

Aspartame (Equal)


Monk Fruit Extract (mogrosides)

Saccharin (Sweet'N Low)



Sucralose (Splenda)


The FDA insists that artificial sweeteners are not harmful to us and that we can consume them according to the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) they have laid out for us. But science has produced different results. Time after time, both animal and human studies have show that these sweeteners can affect brain activity, cause weight gain, and can become highly addictive.

Side Effects of Artificial Sweetners:


Altered brain function



Decreased desire for healthy food






Heart Disease

Increase hunger

Increased desire for sugary food

Laxative effect



Weight Gain

This list reads like the waring on a commerical for some drug that is supposed to cure cancer! It is a ridiculous list of possible harmful effects for something that you don't need to consume!

There are many healthier options than these sweetners. Those of us on the SCD use honey in most of our cooking to add a sweet taste. If you are drinking diet soda, you should replace it with something like carbonated water instead. If you have a craving for something sweet, try eating real fruit, it is very healthy and will help satisfied your craving.

Artifical sweetners can become addictive so stopping the use of them is not going to be easy. I suggest you get some healthier options in your house before you stop using them so that when you do cut them out, you will have something quick and easy to eat or drink instead.


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